Atlas Pensions Simulator

Step 1 - Enter Basic Details

Enter your age at joining the Voluntary Pension Scheme YearsSelect your retirement age (b/w 60 - 70) Years
Enter your gross salary per month (if you are entitled to bonus or profit participation add its estimate per month value) PKREnter annual Increment rate %
Enter your contribution as %age of gross salary %
 Return Assumption
 Equity Sub Fund %
Debt Sub Fund %
Money Market Sub Fund %
Discount Rate / Inflation %

Step 2 - Select Allocation Scheme

Please select Allocation Scheme (b/w 1 - 8)

(Show/hide Allocation Scheme)

Step 3 - Select Retirement Options

Enter % of the accumulated saving to reinvest in Income Payment Plan


Allocation :

(a) 80% out of the total balance will be invested in Money Market Sub Fund

(b) The remaining 20% balance will be invested according to the investor’s desired risk exposure, within the prescribed allocation limits. The allocation options available under the plan are:

Please select 1 for "Life Cycle Allocation Scheme" or 2 for "Customized Allocation Scheme"

1.Life Cycle Allocation Scheme:

Age RangeEquity Sub FundDebt Sub FundMoney Market Sub Fund

2.Customized Allocation Scheme:

Between 60-75 yearsRange (0%-20%)Range (30%-65%)Range (30%-65%)


Atlas Pensions Simulator is duly verified by Sidat Hyder Morshed Associates (Pvt.) Ltd., Actuaries. The Simulator calculates tax credit, accumulated amount and pension, together with the present values on the basis of inputs given by the user. The calculation of tax credit are based on Atlas Asset Management tax consultant‘s interpretation of the tax law which to the best of the Asset Management Company/ Pension Fund Manager understanding is correct. Investors/ Participants are expected to seek independent advice so as to determine the tax saving from investment in voluntary pension fund schemes.


2Allocation Scheme
4Total Contribution
5Cumulative Tax Credit at Retirement
6Accumulated Balance at Retirement
750% of Accumulated Balance Withdrawan at Retirement - Exempt from Income Tax
8Last Drawn Monthly Salary
9First Year's Monthly Pension (Pension available till the age of 75)
Future Pension Payments are Inflation Adjusted
iv) Amount disbursed net of tax

0% of accumulated savings

Present Value
Reinvestment year available
Total Amount Invested in Income Payment Plan
80% of total amount Invested in Income Payment Plan will be invested in Money Market Sub Fund
The remaining 20% will be set aside with an objective to be redeemed at the end of Income Payment Plan
Total Installment amount to be paid during the life of Income Payment PlanPresent Value
10Accumulated Balance at 75 on Cessation of Pension
First Year's Monthly Pension as % of Last Drawn Salary
Monthly Salary
%age Increment
Equity Sub Fund
Debt Sub Fund
Money Mkt. Sub Fund
Rate of Inflation


Atlas Pensions Simulator is duly verified by Sidat Hyder Morshed Associates (Pvt.) Ltd., Actuaries. The Simulator calculates tax credit, accumulated amount and pension, together with the present values on the basis of inputs given by the user. The calculation of tax credit are based on Atlas Asset Management tax consultant‘s interpretation of the tax law which to the best of the Asset Management Company/ Pension Fund Manager understanding is correct. Investors/ Participants are expected to seek independent advice so as to determine the tax saving from investment in voluntary pension fund schemes.


Working years available
Total Amount Invested
i) Cumulative Tax Saving

Tax benefits are explained on the "Tax Benefits" worksheet.

ii) Accumulated Savings

Investment benefits are explained on the "Investment Benefits" worksheet.

Present Value
iii) Amount disbursed as tax free

Maximum 50% of accumulated savings

Present Value
iv) Amount disbursed net of tax

0% of accumulated savings

Present Value


Reinvestment year available
Total Amount Invested in Income Payment Plan
80% of total amount Invested in Income Payment Plan will be invested in Money Market Sub Fund
The remaining 20% will be set aside with an objective to be redeemed at the end of Income Payment Plan

Retirement benefits upto the age of 75 years are as under:

Total Installment amount to be paid during the life of Income Payment PlanPresent Value
Accumulated value of 20% set aside plus any remaining unpaid amount will be disbursed at the end of Income Payment PlanPresent Value

Series of per month intsallments

Income Payment Plan


Atlas Pensions Simulator is duly verified by Sidat Hyder Morshed Associates (Pvt.) Ltd., Actuaries. The Simulator calculates tax credit, accumulated amount and pension, together with the present values on the basis of inputs given by the user. The calculation of tax credit are based on Atlas Asset Management tax consultant‘s interpretation of the tax law which to the best of the Asset Management Company/ Pension Fund Manager understanding is correct. Investors/ Participants are expected to seek independent advice so as to determine the tax saving from investment in voluntary pension fund schemes.