Atlas Pensions Simulator is duly verified by Sidat Hyder Morshed Associates (Pvt.) Ltd., Actuaries. The Simulator calculates tax credit, accumulated amount and pension, together with the present values on the basis of inputs given by the user. The calculation of tax credit are based on Atlas Asset Management tax consultant‘s interpretation of the tax law which to the best of the Asset Management Company/ Pension Fund Manager understanding is correct. Investors/ Participants are expected to seek independent advice so as to determine the tax saving from investment in voluntary pension fund schemes.
| Series of per month intsallmentsIncome Payment Plan |
Atlas Pensions Simulator is duly verified by Sidat Hyder Morshed Associates (Pvt.) Ltd., Actuaries. The Simulator calculates tax credit, accumulated amount and pension, together with the present values on the basis of inputs given by the user. The calculation of tax credit are based on Atlas Asset Management tax consultant‘s interpretation of the tax law which to the best of the Asset Management Company/ Pension Fund Manager understanding is correct. Investors/ Participants are expected to seek independent advice so as to determine the tax saving from investment in voluntary pension fund schemes.